Intro to Brushing Teeth

There are many benefits for a dog to have clean teeth. Their breath will not smell bad, their gums and teeth will be healthier, better looking, and their overall health will be better impacted. The plaque tartar and bacteria that grows in your dog's mouth affects their entire body and the way you interact with them. 

This beginner's guide will help you ease your corgi into being comfortable with having their teeth brushed. Follow this guide daily for the best results, even when mastered.


Start with getting a pet toothbrush and toothpaste. I'll show you what we use to keep our corgi's mouth clean and where to buy it.


Corgi laying on its back

Have a regular spot where your corgi can be alone and without distraction. This will help set expectations for your corgi. We use our bathroom with the door closed and radio on (at a low volume) to lessen distractions. 

Just before you start the process, give them some rubs and attention. Put them at ease. 

Hand Positioning

Hand positioning will be your preference

Place your hand over the front of their brow and place your thumb in their lip and pull back. You may need to use your other hand to help get the positioning you need. You can also use your middle finger to do the same thing. 

You may alternatively place your hand over the bridge of their nose in front of their eyes instead of over their brow. 

View from the left when holding a dog's mouth open
View from the front when holding a dog's mouth open
View from the right when holding a dog's mouth open

From Toothpaste To Brush

Corgi tasting toothpaste on finger

This part will take several days depending on how receptive your corgi is. Patience and consistency are key.

If your corgi has little to no experience with having their teeth brushed you'll want to start by placing a little toothpaste on your finger and letting them lick it off. 

Brushing a corgi's canine teeth with finger

Add more to your finger and see if you can lift up their lip with your other hand while rubbing their canines and front teeth with your toothpaste flavored finger. Make sure to rub both sides of the mouth just as you would with a toothbrush. When rubbing and eventually brushing their teeth, only do the outsides of their teeth. 

Brushing a corgi's front teeth with finger

Although the toothpaste will soften the plaque around their teeth, you're not really "brushing" in the traditional sense. You're just getting them used to the process. 

Brushing a corgi's back teeth with finger

Do this daily until your corgi is more comfortable with your finger going further into both sides of their mouth. You'll want to get their large teeth in the back as well as the hidden smaller teeth behind it. 

Applying toothpaste to toothbrush

After your corgi has mastered letting you use your finger to rub their teeth, you can introduce a toothbrush.

Brushing Tips

Canine Jaw Model

Brushing Process

Brushing a corgi's front teeth and canines

This process will take several days or weeks depending on how receptive your corgi is. If your corgi regresses back to only wanting a toothpaste flavored finger then don't be discouraged. Consistency is more important during this transitional phase.

Apply a generous amount of toothpaste on your toothbrush. Just as before start with their front teeth and canines.

Brushing a corgi's back teeth

If you see that they will let you go further into their mouth then continue to and past the premolars. If they're struggling too much then focus on what they'll let you do for now. 

Repeat this until they are more comfortable with you getting their back teeth. 

Once they are comfortable, you should be spending about 30 seconds on each side of their mouth.

A corgi with a dental chew treat

It helps to give your corgi a dental treat after their brushing as a reward. They'll be more motivated once they associate brushing their teeth with getting a healthy snack afterwards.

In my experience Greenies work very well after a few days of use to help reduce the amount of plaque and tartar buildup. 

Disclaimer: Anything on this website should not be considered medical advice. It is purely informative. Please refer to your local veterinarian, groomer, or other professional pet expert for any health related concerns.